Ideas posted within are a product of the author's unstoppable mental process and wit. They are not to be taken seriously, but you're only human. And we take everything seriously.


First day on the computer since Hawaii.

So I'm not in Hawaii anymore after spending 6 days there. Now I'm in LA at my uncle's house, doing...nothing.
Hawaii was great though; amazing scenery, decent weather, great food, great people, hot women, nice beaches, etc. All of it was awesome. I took a crap ton of pictures to upload here and there, but that's all for later.

I had In'N'Out for the first time in a year and a half today, and my god it was amazing. I have missed that Double-Double animal style for so long, it's not even funny. I just saw my cousins and stuff, and now I'm on the computer, killing time.
Nothing serious, just an update post of sorts. I dunno. More to come maybe later or something.


I leave for Hawaii tomorrow. (First blog, suckas)

I begin writing this at 9:30pm when I should be packing instead. I've never been to Hawaii before, but the trip there isn't supposed to be the most pleasant. There is a plane ride from Incheon Airport to Narita Airport near Tokyo, and then a six hour wait is in store for me and my family, during which time I will probably drudge about aimlessly throughout the airport while consuming vast quantities of ramen and Japanese food. Afterwards, we get on the plane again to head towards Hawaii on a nine hour flight on Korean Air - the only factor making this trip the least bit enjoyable.

I'll need this, too. Oh my god I love it.
 Oh, and I've already packed quite a bit.

Quite a bit of clothes can fit in there. I need three weeks worth.
I expect to have much fun during this trip, but that might also be compromised by the diet I've started for myself. I eat a lot, and Hawaii apparently has lots of food for fatties such as me to eat. But I must stand by my original plans if I am truly intent on having that abdominal structure that women will drool over.

Instead of packing, I'm here writing this first entry to a blog that might be destined to just fall into obscurity and the unending depths of the Internet. It's an interesting experience to just sit here and type what's going through my mind. I needed a hobby that could facilitate my interest in writing that didn't require an English teacher breathing down my shirt, and I appear to have found the solution.

My primary objective with this blog is to accomplish by doing this blog is to practice writing and hone my skills. My secondary objective is to share my thoughts and feelings with other people who might be interested in my writing.

I've never really tried this before in any serious manner. There was a failed attempt at a livejournal that I managed to keep under wraps. There was that Xanga page I created many, many years ago that never went anywhere because I knew nothing about HTML and how to write (me being 10 couldn't have helped).

And now, there is this Blogspot. I've seen other blogs by other people before, and they usually write about relevant things that matter to the world and all that, but I think I'll be content with just writing about what I care about. If others can care about it, too, that's just wonderful then. Others might have much fancier layouts and design, pictures everywhere and pretentious bickering about America's healthcare and whatnot, but I want to keep mine simple and plain for the time being. Though the lack of pictures is quite disturbing.

Random picture of me has been deemed necessary.
 What's starting to irk me, though, is that the whole site is in Korean for me because apparently living in Korea sets your settings to read Korean and speak it perfectly, too. I don't know what it is about it, but the Korean language is just not a good language for having on the Internet; I also have a hard time reading it on the computer as well. For some reason, reading Korean on a computer is just a painful job for me, but I guess that's reading Hangul in general.

I also want to find a general theme for my writing, but that a job for another time and perhaps another place. But I hope many people will begin reading this blog and start following me. I always enjoy people reading my material, and I hope to get better at writing, too, so that the people reading can enjoy the writing more. And since I near the length of a short high school essay, I will stop right here. :D