Ideas posted within are a product of the author's unstoppable mental process and wit. They are not to be taken seriously, but you're only human. And we take everything seriously.


And so I arrive, tired and broken.

As far as vacations go, that had to be on of the best and worst I've ever had.
Best in the first week in Hawaii (pictures shall be uploaded soon), as we had tons of fun and enjoyed the cool weather, breathtaking scenery, and majestic sunsets while consuming vast quantities of food.
Worst in the latter week in Los Angeles, where I basically moped around my Aunt's house endlessly and spent time playing Starcraft II on her computer, enduring hour after hour of mind-numbing boredom. I did go to Anime Expo 2011 this year, so that was great. I took many photos of the event, and those shall be uploaded as well, at a later time.

We arrive in Korea at around 6:30 PM Seoul Time after a rather calm flight. We got seats near the back end, and I got to see an unobstructed view of the sky, clouds mere meters away from my window. They seemed almost like floating white mountains in the sky, untouched by man and ready to be climbed. At some points during the flight, I couldn't tell where the sky and the water separated; the horizon was completely out of sight, and there were clouds above us and below us. Truly magnificient.

When the plane banked toward my side near the end of the flight, I nearly got a bird's eye view of the South Korean landscape, and I came to realize that I was looking straight down at land from 16000 feet in the air. And I wasn't scared.
But I should have been scared shitless, my heartrate should have been accelerated exponentially and tunnel vision should have taken me in and all that jazz. But it didn't happen, probably because human's just weren't meant to be up that high in the first place, and so we never developed the proper fear reflexes for that. Or maybe I'm wrong and I'm just weird. Vertigo.